Sunset Academy of Leadership Training

Leadership is the crisis of our time. Consistently, congregations across this country recognize the challenges encountered by God’s people today. One of the greatest challenges we face involves this leadership crisis.

See why the elders of the Mannford Church of Christ chose SALT to help them.

The majority of congregations in this country have no elders, and too many do not have enough elders to meet the growing needs of the congregation and the cultural changes within our society. Sadly, only a few have established plans to meet these challenges and prepare the next generation to lead.

Bob Turner

In order to meet the crisis head-on, the Sunset International Bible Institute established SALT (Sunset Academy of Leadership Training). SALT is designed and prepared to assist congregations across this country in four major areas:

  1. Seminars and Workshops: SALT conducts seminars and workshops that allow congregational leaders to grow in areas such as: Creating Vision, Strategic Planning, Character Development, Biblical Models of Leadership, GRIT (conviction, passion, and perseverance), Communication, Conflict Resolution, Making Disciples, and Leading Change.
  2. Regional Training Events: SALT hosts training events in various regions across the country. These events allow congregational leaders throughout a specific region an opportunity to access information that will strengthen their own leadership and prepare the congregation to equip the next generation of leaders. These events will discuss current issues faced by leaders while providing biblical and practical answers.
  3. Leadership Consulting and Mentoring: Sunset has an experienced staff that offers consulting and mentoring to leaders on issues and situations encountered in their local congregations and communities.
  4. Online Consulting: Bob will meet with elders or churches virtually during these times when churches need attention. Contact Bob about customizing a session that will fit your needs.
  5. Tools and Resources: Sunset offers tools and resources that assess congregational needs. The assessment is designed to equip leaders by understanding the congregation’s makeup and utilizing the congregation’s strengths in making disciples. Sunset also provides free online resources that assist congregations to further strengthen and develop their leaders.
    • At saltLessons, you will find various courses that can be downloaded to use for teaching classes on leadership in your congregation.
    • With saltCast, Bob explores important topics in leadership with experts from around the world. SALTcasts focus on leadership development in the three major areas of life: home, world, and church. At Sunset, we are aware of the challenges and the critical nature of leadership in these areas. We invite you to join us, subscribe, and listen as we dig deeply into the current issues facing leaders today.

Sunset is offering salt as a ministry to help strengthen churches that are in need. We do this as a service without cost. If you believe this to be a worthwhile effort, we ask you to consider supporting Sunset with a donation through the links below or contacting us directly at the contact information below.

Feel free to contact Bob Turner, Director of SALT at for further information.