Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Wrong to Assume

How many times do we expect others to know what is on our mind?

Somehow, we assume others naturally know what we are thinking, as if they are a mind reader.

Leaders can make this mistake if not careful.

Keep in mind, others do not know what we are thinking unless we tell them.

If we want a response, then tell them so.

Disappointment can be avoided if we adequately communicate the vision in our minds.

People follow leaders who know and keep the direction before them.

Playing the mind reading game does not work well. Communicate the direction and others will follow.

Stand, Speak, Sit Down

Wisdom says, “Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Sit down to be appreciated.”

The application reaches into many areas, but it certainly has relevance for leaders.

Leaders should be accessible and approachable. Questions need to be answered, visions plotted, and plans developed.

Leaders must be clear. Leaders need to be decisive, but they must also be clear and precise.

Leaders also need to know their limitations. They must know the balance and limits of their time and talent.

Followers value leaders who are visible, understood, and work within the boundaries of their ability.

A Time to Stand

In pursuit of greater numbers truth often gets compromised. Challenge and controversy are avoided to gain popularity and profit.

To overcome the problems of immorality and indecency, we must make a stand.

To help the church mature as God designed, we must make a stand.

To help those without Christ find the hope of salvation, we must make a stand.

The task is not easy. Conflict and controversy will arise. Trying to avoid it, sweep it under the rug, deny it exists, or hope it just goes away and resolves itself, will not work.

The world and the church needs those ready to stand and lead.


What is it that brings discouragement to leadership? Failure? Inability? People?

Discouragement causes us to lose confidence and enthusiasm.

So, how do we prevent it?

1) Focus on higher priorities and a greater cause.
2) Work to create confidence and enthusiasm in others.
3) Develop a work ethic of diligence and integrity.
4) Determine to do “what” is right not just “be” right.
5) Remember we will make mistakes. Deal with them properly and move on.

Following a few ideas can encourage others and bring a greater encouragement to our own leadership. Then we will see more times when we are up rather than down.

Good News

Leprosy was contagious and lepers were often forced outside the city in their own commune.

In 2 Kings 7 we read of four such men.

Because of a famine, these men decided to go to the enemy, hoping the enemy would have mercy. When they arrived, the enemy was gone. God caused the Arameans to hear the sound of an army and they fled, leaving everything.

While enjoying the spoils, they realized how wrong it was to keep it for themselves. It was a day of good news.

What a great lesson for us! This day is a day of good news. We cannot keep it to ourselves.

Reward Program

Most businesses offer some type of rewards program. The intent is gain the loyalty of customers.

God has a rewards program also.

However, we cannot fly enough miles, buy enough electronics, eat enough food at the same restaurant, or burn enough gasoline to earn what God has given through His Son. The power of God’s grace is about receiving what we do not deserve or earn.

From a leadership perspective, we simply strive to help others see the magnitude of God’s love. The natural result should be our desire to follow Him.

Consider His reward, “Well done, good and faithful slave. Enter into the joy of your master…”

The Language of Jesus

Languages are not a strong suite for most of us. Imagine the difficulty of listening to the multiplicity of languages around the world.

However, the key to communicating effectively is understanding.

The ability to communicate so others understand is vital to our leadership.

Goals must be communicated so everyone understands.

Plans must also be communicated effectively.

Roles and responsibilities must be understood.

Above all, leading others to Jesus demands communicating the message of the cross in ways others understand.

Learning Leaders

Effective leadership should be immersed in learning. John F. Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Our life is about learning.

There is no question about our leadership. We are going to lead. Now we need to know how vital learning is as part of our leadership. As we grow in our learning, we gain a greater understanding of others and our leadership of them.

How and what are we learning to improve our leadership? Read any good books lately? The Bible would be a great place to start. I recommend it!

What Shall I Do?

Nearly 2,000 years ago this question was asked by a governor with the power to deliver or destroy. Sadly, the influence of the Jews and fear of allowing a threat to Rome go free, Pilate sentenced Jesus to crucifixion.

Our answer becomes a foundation for our influence in several areas of life.

Family: Let us lead our family to heaven.
Job: Work to please Christ, not men.
Worship: Meet with God and bring a gift.
World: Be the influence our world needs.

What will we do? Our answer makes the difference in others seeing the influence of Jesus.

Authorized Personnel Only

Nearly everywhere we look we see signs with the disclosure “Authorized Personnel Only.” Who are these people? Would we recognize them if they walked by us?

We may not know them specifically, but we do know if we are authorized or not.

If Jesus has been given “all” authority, then only those given authority by Him may enter. Is this not what Jesus proclaimed? “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

Our job is to lead others to Him, because He alone grants entrance into the eternal home. How are we doing at our job?