Solomon’s statement has many life applications. Spouses would quickly understand the importance of this idea. In reality, any intimate relationship is built on the explanation Solomon provides.
Two bring a good return for their labor. If one falls, they can be lifted up by the other. Two are able to keep warm. They can resist an external threat that could overpower one who is alone.
There are powerful relationships between life and leadership. I could not help but also think about the application to leadership.
The mindset of trying to do things on our own will ultimately fail. We need one another. There are at least 24 different “one another” passages throughout scripture. These passages teach us about the spiritual relationship and responsibility we have with one another.
When leadership uses these areas to strengthen relationships, the result will bring a powerful boost to our leadership.
When we fulfill the responsibilities outlined by the New Testament writers, the church will be strengthened.
Isn’t it time we build the kind of relationships to accomplish both?