I enjoy meeting new people everywhere I go. From lectureships and gospel meetings to traveling overseas, I usually meet someone new.
I recently had the privilege of meeting Tom and Maureen Jackson in New Hampshire. Over the few days we were together we talked of leadership (I know you are shocked).
Tom is looking for someone to help work with the congregation in Lancaster. In one conversation he said; “I am not stepping down, but stepping aside.”
All of us will eventually face the fact we are getting older. As we do, there needs to be an awareness of what we are able and unable to accomplish as leaders.
One of the best ways to help the work continue is not by stepping down, but stepping aside.
Stepping down brings an element of finality and completion.
Stepping aside says I am here to help and do whatever I am still capable of doing. It brings a powerful element of mentorship needed to make the work a little easier and better for the one who follows.
Thank you Tom for a great lesson in leadership!