Time is the most valuable commodity any person is given. The interesting fact about time is that we all have exactly the same amount of time each day. How we use the time we have is what makes the difference in leadership.
When Paul wrote a letter to the church at Ephesus, he pointed out the need for these Christians to walk wisely making the most of their time (Ep. 5:15-16).
How can we approach the wise use of our time in daily practice?
Sit down and list the amount of time spent on every activity for one week. Contrast the activities that are spent with a self-centered focus, others-directed focus, and spiritual focus.
Take a moment to ask an important question: why? Why do we spend time in areas more self-centered and not others-directed? Why do we miss opportunities to spend time spiritually focused?
Check the balance of time spent in work with family. Is there a proper balance?
A few simple questions, a little evaluation, and refocusing our direction helps in using our time wisely.