This week, we continue to examine words identified in a recent article by Forbes, “7 Words Define What Employees Expect From Leadership.” The first word discussed the necessity of specificity on the part of leaders.
The second word is honesty. Perhaps honesty is a given when considering leadership. We all know, however, that not all leaders are honest. At times, they tend to tell “half-truths.” The motivation behind this diversion of truth may be rationalized by a leader, but when honesty is exemplified, Forbes claims “unnecessary disruption and division in the workplace” can be avoided.
Biblically, we know the necessity of honesty as a Christian virtue. Therefore, the application of honesty in biblical leadership is the natural reflection of what is expected by God and others.
Honesty is characterized in the words of David, describing the power of biblical leadership in the one who “walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart” (Ps. 15:2).
The emphasis of David is on the three noun/verb participles highlighted that provide a platform for leaders, describing who they are and what they do.