One of the most frightening places to be is alone. The very thought of facing the stress of making difficult decisions, handling challenges, or overcoming trials alone, is less than appealing. When we begin feeling this way our perspective is altered.
Consider Elijah, who climbed to the top of Mount Carmel with the power and glory of God, yet in the next chapter flees in fear at the threat of a wicked queen. In his discussion with God about the situation, he expresses the depression of being alone.
The beauty of this divine discussion is how God gently reminds Elijah that he is not alone. There were more than 7,000 who refused to bow the knee to Baal. Apart from this fact, Elijah needed to know God was there all along; he was never alone.
Events in life can often create that sense of being alone. We feel the pressures of work and leadership, the weight of family responsibility (physical and spiritual), and the struggles that challenge our faith.
During these times, it is comforting to have a friendly and gentle reminder, “you are not in this alone.”