Few ideas are more significant than the need for survival. For some, the need to find a meal for the day is a matter of survival. For some, getting through the day with their life is a matter of survival.
Leadership survival is an area of great need within the church of the twenty-first century.
Leaders struggle to survive the challenges to their leadership in matters of faith and practice.
Leaders need to survive the false accusations to their character by dissenters.
Leaders must develop survival skills against the forces of division among change agents.
Survival is a priority when it comes to leadership.
Sadly, the survival of leadership involves “being shot at from both sides.” Satan is crafty at using those within and without to attack leadership.
How many times have we heard the idea “it’s lonely at the top.” While spiritual leadership is not about being “at the top,” there are a number of areas that qualify for the loneliness involved as a leader in the Lord’s church.
Perhaps this is why so few are willing to accept this vitally needed role.