When someone is fearless, we tend to think about an attitude or mindset of no fear, or the absence of fear.
We need to consider another possibility as it relates to leadership.
Reverse the order of the word and examine the idea of having less fear.
It is doubtful that a leader reaches a point where they have no fear or even eliminate fear. Various events in life and leadership will always create times of fear. During those times we can demonstrate less fear, but what makes it possible to do so? Read Hebrews 11:1 – 12:4.
Enduring life’s challenges is an ability strengthened by victorious faith. Understand that others have also overcome; see the great cloud of witnesses.
Trust that God will keep His promise. He will see us through every trial; run with endurance the race that is set before us.
No matter how great the obstacle, at its best it is still temporary; keep your eyes fixed on Jesus who for the joy before Him endured the cross and despised the shame.
Here is where less fear begins.