Month: October 2019

Leadership Identity…

Identity is important, but there are several questions to consider related to this concept.

How would we identify what we do? Our activities indicate a significant role. If our focus is spiritual, then our role has a heavenly identification.

How would we identify who we are affiliated with? If we belong to Christ, then our character will reflect a Christlike spirit.

How would we identify the reason we are here? The activities we carry out should clearly identify the reason we are here?

A few simple questions can help us consider the value of identifying what, who, and how when it comes to our leadership.

Essential Recovery…

Most people understand the challenges of the recovery process involved after surgery.

Think about the nature of recovery.

Time is involved. The capabilities of the body to recover are amazing, but healing requires time. Leadership development and recovering from mistakes requires the same.

Repair prevents permanent damage. The nature of surgery and recovery is to prevent irreparable problems. Our leadership can avoid future breakdowns when we take steps needed to prevent permanent damage.

Successful recover requires following the physician’s instructions. And following the Great Physician’s instructions is essential to help spiritual leaders heal.

More could be said, but keep in mind the purpose and necessity of recovery.

A Balanced Leader…

“Man of God.” What do these words mean to a spiritual leader?

One, it refers to someone waiting for the Lord. Such activity is supported by obtaining new strength and an ability to tirelessly endure.

Two, the man of God is balanced. Regardless of the challenges that often create imbalance, the man of God remains balanced.

While waiting for the Lord, spiritual leaders are strengthened, prepared to face difficulty, travel any distance, patiently endure temptation, and overcome any obstacle.

Spiritual leaders understand the responsibility of family and ministry and must learn how to remain balanced with both.

Find an image to help you lead with strength and balance.

saltCast 001 – Introduction

This introduction to saltCasts discusses the design of the church to train leaders. Based on “Designed to Lead” by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck, this saltCast explores the Center, Conviction, Culture, Constructs, and Communication needed for the church to prepare leaders.
