Month: July 2020

saltCast031 Leadership Resources – House to House, Heart to Heart

Leaders constantly need resources. In today’s saltCast, Bob talks with Matt Wallin from House to House, Heart to Heart. Matt discusses how leaders can benefit from this resource in their congregation and outreach in the community.


Godly Counsel…

We are urged not to walk in the counsel of the wicked in Psalm 1. Later in the Psalms, David expresses the need to wait for the counsel of the Lord, because His counsel endures forever.

Leadership should always provide counsel based on the word of God. When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur. 

1) God is glorified.

2) His people are built up in the faith.

3) Leadership is strengthened in righteousness. 

4) The future is secured.

Let leaders learn today from the example of Joshua (Jos. 9), then pursue and provide godly counsel.

Observational Power…

Relevant leaders practice observation. Observing how God works in our lives opens us up to the possibility of God using us to help others.

Consider this Chinese proverb, “If you want happiness for an hour––take a nap. If you want happiness for a day––go fishing. If you want happiness for a year––inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime––help someone else.” 

Look and discover what goes on in the lives of others, why it takes place, and how to show the light of Jesus.

Take a few moments to observe the special people placed on our path each day.


Good leadership requires trust. In his book Canoeing the Mountains, Tod Bolsinger writes, “No one is going to follow you off the map unless they trust you on it.”

Introducing change challenges any leader to their core. The resistance to change discourages leaders, yet it is inevitable.

While not absolute, often times the problem exists because leaders have not gained trust while leading on the map in order to have people follow them off the map.

Trust is built over time and leaders do not gain trust simply because they have a title or position. When they demonstrate credibility and competence, trust grows.


Tomorrow, our country celebrates its independence.

There is a beautiful comparison between our physical freedom and the spiritual freedom enjoyed in Christ.

The willing, loving, and gracious sacrifice of Jesus demonstrates the value of our freedom.

The greatest joy of celebrating our independence is to willingly, lovingly, and graciously help others celebrate the same by introducing them to the way, the truth, and the life. 

The abundant life promised by Jesus is one of freedom from the consequences of sin.

Our leadership should always help others understand the price paid for this celebration, physically and spiritually.

Strong Leadership…

Strength applies to physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual areas of life.

Challenges occur when our strength declines, especially in the spiritual realm.

Perhaps we have seen or experienced personal struggles to remain spiritually strong and faithful.

During these times, Paul encourages Christians to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God” (Ep. 6:10-11).

Each piece of armor reveals a close relationship to God’s word. Our strength comes from what God provides us through His word.

His word helps us find the strength to lead others to our Lord.

SaltCast030 Leadership in the Church

Leadership in the home provides a biblical foundation for understanding leadership in the church. Joe Wells, co-founder of KAIO Publications, continues to discuss leadership as it relates to the church. Joe talks about some of the major challenges leaders face today and he wraps up with a discussion on how leaders can advise young couples who are considering marriage.


Testing our Leadership…

Based on experience, most students prefer to skip tests.

However, tests are biblical and spiritual leaders will face them throughout their leadership.

Abraham is an example. God tested Abraham by commanding him to offer his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.

The New Testament letter from James speaks about the testing of our faith. The result produces endurance which leads to completeness.

With this in mind, how should leaders respond when tested?

Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.
Read God’s word and focus on the purpose.
Seek counsel from leaders who have passed tests.
Trust God’s use of tests to make us into His leaders.