Vigilance involves a much needed effort to be watchful, specifically a careful watch regarding areas presenting danger or difficulty.
Few areas rival the need for leaders to be vigilant concerning their responsibilities, but this need extends to the leadership of others.
Leadership vigilance is about a careful watch…
…to the spiritual growth and development of each Christian entrusted to their care.
…to the physical concerns inside and outside of the church.
…to the influence of the church within the community where they live.
…to the missional outreach of the gospel to the lost of the world.
The list could address more but the direction is obvious. This watchfulness is critical to changing how others recognize our leadership.
The responsibility is great and when leaders are vigilant to the task before them they can take advantage of opportunities that are beautifully choreographed God.
The results establish four important building blocks: 1) it glorifies God, 2) edifies other Christians, 3) exemplifies a Christlike character, and 4) strengthens our faith.
A few steps and the practice of vigilance impacts the whole of our leadership.