At the beginning of a race, the idea of focusing on the finish line does not always seem natural.
Yet, the finish line is what must be in the mind of the participant. Without knowing where the finish line is and keeping it in full view, the following occurs:
1) The motivation for starting and enduring is eliminated because there is no purpose to begin. Why would anyone want to begin something when there is no reason?
2) The preparation suffers for the same reasons. What should someone prepare for if there is no reason to prepare and no reward for the effort?
3) The direction is nonexistent. Without a finish line to focus on there is no way to have direction. Instead, we tend to wander around in circles.
Leaders have an incredible task before them because they have the responsibility of helping others see the finish line. When this is accomplished, people are motivated; they prepare properly for the journey; and they have a vision of where to go and how to get there.
Consider what God has done for us and lead with that in mind.