Have we ever made plans we were excited about? Have we worked hard preparing for that very moment of the day? Do we eagerly anticipate those plans?
Did something unexpected happening, only to prevent us from fulfilling our expectations?
Disappointment generally overshadows any joy we previously possessed. A few simple suggestions will help us be prepared when these events occur.
Expected the unexpected. We need to know there will be times when the unexpected comes along. If we are not prepared, it can knock us off our feet.
Never go it alone. When events of a severe nature occur, seek help from those who have traveled the path before.
Prepare a back up plan for use…always. Great potential does not always leave us prepared with an alternative course of action. The key is “prepare.” Have a plan ready!
Trust in a positive result. We may not see the good in every situation, at least, not presently. When we put it, and leave it, in God’s hands, the desired intent will result.
It can be a hard lesson, but when it is learned, rarely will we be “surprised.”