Before we speak, write, or act, think first. Two words simple enough to say, yet so difficult to follow.
We live in a reactionary world. We tend to react to circumstances. Life is unfair, so we react. Someone speaks inappropriately and we react. Others take advantage of us and we react.
Leaders must learn how to act. The only way to learn this lesson is to “think first.”
Before we put a word out through social media, think first. How will others perceive what we write?
Before we speak regarding family, personal, or professional matters, think first. Once words are spoken we cannot take them back. We can apologize, wish we could take them, or try to explain, but the bottom line is it’s to late. Think first.
The same is true with our actions. Before we decide to act on any given situation, think first. Remember others are watching. How will they perceive our actions? Will others know the intention of our heart based on what they see?
It is only two words, but two powerful words that need application. Think first!