After two weeks of nonstop coverage of the Olympic games in Rio, the events ended yesterday and closing ceremonies were completed.
Olympians and fans alike began the journey back to their native homelands. People around the world celebrated the elation of victory and endured the agony of defeat. We witnessed the best and worst of athletes’ abilities and character. We cheered the selfless demonstration of sportsmanship by those who understood what the games are all about.
Perhaps the most thrilling part of the games was demonstrated in the leadership roles among the team events. The impressive way leaders stepped up and motivated their teammates to give more than they imagined could be given challenges all of us to take note.
Leadership in the spiritual realm can learn from these examples. We need to step up and motivate others to run a race far more significant than one to win a gold medal that eventual fades away.
Take time to read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.