An old Swedish Proverb says, “Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.”
Jesus implied a lesser value exists if we only love those who love us. We are doing nothing more than those who were considered to be the worst of sinners.
The challenge has always been the application of loving those we might classify as those who do not deserve it. When we continually give and receive nothing in return, we feel helpless and want to leave or give up.
In those moments we need to remember how our God feels when He continues to give and receives nothing in return. Worse yet, how does He feel when we blatantly reject His love pursuing our own selfish desires?
Leadership should remember this proverb. When we show an unconditional love, especially to those who deserve it the least, two possibilities occur: 1) We demonstrate a God-like spirit, and 2) We help those who really need it understand the nature of God’s love as seen through us.
The effort is worth the time when we consider the outcome. Lead in love!
Thanks Bob!