Family Feud, a popular game show over the years, hosts the famous line, “Survey Says…”
Contestants work to provide answers to questions that are nearest the most popular answers given by people who were surveyed.
We may never participate in a game show like this, yet we need to constantly survey our lives. As we near the end of 2017, this evaluation is even more critical.
When we consider the nature of our influence within our homes, what would the survey say is the priority of our life?
When we examine our character on the job, what would the survey say about the quality of our work ethic?
When we look at our worldview, what would the survey say about the consistency of what we believe and practice?
When we take into account our outreach to others, what would the survey say about the “type” of people we seek to influence?
The list of questions could go on. We need to understand the value of surveying every area of life and measuring how we live by the example provided in Jesus.
Adhering to that standard supports positive survey results.