Bob Turner


Strategy is a plan of action to achieve a desired aim or goal.

While character is the core and must hold higher value than strategy, at the same time, strategy is needed.

Without strategy, who is going to do what, for whom, and when? Without strategy, there are no plans to reach a goal, regardless of the goal set before us.

We would be hard pressed to find an area of life where strategy is not involved at some level, especially in leadership.

Leaders need to establish goals AND a strategy for how to reach those goals, leading with the future in mind.

The Future of Leadership

What are we doing to address the present condition of leadership? What are we doing about the future of leadership? What are we doing to develop biblical leaders?

Challenges face every move to improve the situation. Efforts to make a difference are viewed with skepticism.

Enthusiasm to learn and implement something new or different is sequestered off in the halls of youth and familiarity.

What are we doing to change eternity if the only thing we do is exactly what we have done for the past 50, 75, or 100 years?

At some point, we need to recognize where we are, where we are going, and what we must do to get there.


Few people like adversity. Actually, no one enjoys it. However, adversity challenges us to reflect on who we are, why we are here, and how we will endure.

Walt Disney once said, “All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

Reflection can lead to doubt and negativity, but it can also remind us of how God is working to strengthen and shape us.

Leaders who understand this are better equipped to help others when they face adversity.

The Right Leader

We face a daunting task when determining what is right and who is the right leader to follow.

No greater qualities for leadership are identified today than those addressed throughout the pages of the Bible.

No greater example of leadership can be found than the example left by Jesus.

Dedicating ourselves to learning the truths provided by God and studying the example of Jesus will result in a godly leader.

We must lead with our eyes focused on Jesus and our hearts devoted to the following the depths of His teaching.

When followers have this example in earthly leaders, they will follow the right leader.


“Practice makes perfect” is a common expression to most. I also heard someone add that “perfect practice makes perfect.” Would you agree?

The level of perfection may be subjective to each individual. However, the need for practice must be a part of our growth and development as leaders.

Olympic athletes prepare from a young age. The drills, routines, or exercises are perfected through hours of daily practice. Their life is dedicated to one purpose, performing for those few minutes without giving way to pressure.

Several qualities of a leader may actually be inherent, but one thing is certain, developing the ability to lead must be practiced continually.

Strengthened in Difficulty

Although the author is unknown, the following quote has strong implication, “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”

If difficulties define us, we tend to only focus on the drudgery of life and the poor hand we have been dealt, “woe is me.”

If difficulties destroy us, then life becomes little more than existence. Nothing is worth talking about or doing.

If difficulties strengthen us, we are better prepared to help others who face the same challenges and we are better equipped for the next difficulty that may come our way.

Moment of Truth

Not during times of comfort does the conviction of truth become critical, but when difficulties press in on the well-being of leaders.

The moment of truth is not measured by what a leader hopes, desires, or thinks is needed.

The moment of truth is measured by what a leader does, the stand they take, and the demonstration of character when it is not popular with the majority.

The time comes in the life of every person when they must decide how they are going to act or react to the circumstances before them.

In that moment, the decision that is made determines the effectiveness of each leader.


When considering the idea of dependent leadership, a number of words are associated, the primary of which is reliance. Spiritual leaders understand the need to rely upon God. They are dependent upon His guidance, direction, strength, and provisions to lead others.

Spiritual leaders are also aware of the fact that followers are also dependent upon them to provide the same.

Guidance, direction, strength, and provisions are all directly related to the dependence that is associated with our relationship with God and those who fill the role of leading God’s people.

This role supplies all the basic components to our growth in relationship with God and others.

Picture of a Leader

Each day we are given an opportunity to live on the stage of life. Others witness every word and deed. Images are embedded in their minds by what they see, just like a photograph.

As they recall the days gone by, they remember these images and the impact left by them.

We do the same with others we see every day.

Consider the following question: What would the photograph others take of us look like?

There are times the perfect shot can only be taken in a moment of time. We may only have a moment for others to take that perfect picture that changes their lives forever.

Qualities of Leading

The Bible provides a list of qualities for men who would serve in the role of a shepherd.

These qualities are in place to provide the necessary shepherding to keep the church pure and healthy.

While all Christians should strive for the applicable qualities, one does not have to possess all these qualities in order to be qualified to lead others.

Remember, leadership is about influence. We are striving to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, leading others is built on the blood of our Savior.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence becomes.