Category: Daily Leadership

See the Best

If we look for the worst in people, the worst is what we find. If we look for the best, the best is what we find.

Mister Rogers said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day… I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.”

It is easy to become jaded.

Work to see the best in the situation and in other people. We reach our potential when we help others reach theirs.

Values-Based Leaders

Challenges usually arise when something goes wrong or at least not the way we want. At that moment, we decide to either take responsibility or cast blame.

Casting blame on others seems to justify our own actions as acceptable and right. Yet, such is not the case.

Leaders must realize that people are not objects to be used to advance their own agendas. They conduct themselves with a greater self-examination and take responsibility for their own thoughts, words, and actions.

An honest look inward is a prerequisite to a values-based leadership that demonstrates the kind of character God wants in us as leaders.

Path of Leadership

The path of leadership development will not be an easy task for anyone, anywhere. The benefits, however, are far more valuable than the consequences of denying or ignoring the present circumstances.

Consider the benefits of the path before us:

Stronger leadership: The unified strength of numerous leaders multiplies the results of what can be accomplished.

Spiritual guidance: The potential of developing leaders provides a spiritual foundation that increases biblical guidance.  

Succession plan: Developing stronger, spiritual leaders only for the present potentially leaves a generation not knowing God.

The path of leadership development must go beyond this generation. When this happens, we walk the right path.

Why Leadership…Part 3

I cannot exhaust the possibilities as to why we should study leadership, but let me share one concluding thought.

Eternity Matters: Above all else, the reason for studying leadership directs us to God’s plan beyond the physical realm. Yes, leadership is God’s plan. It is needed in the home, church, and in the lives of all people, and the reason is because eternity matters. If this one thought became the focus of all we do in life, every thought, word, and action, and every person that graced our path in life was seen in view of eternity, imagine the difference.

Why Leadership…Part 2

Why do we spend so much time talking about leadership?  

Church: The present situation speaks to the need for leadership. Any discussion about leadership regarding the church acknowledges the urgency of this crisis. However, are we moved enough to do something? If we do not establish a plan now, the future of the church offers little hope.

People: The reality is that people will follow someone or something, but who or what? Doesn’t it make sense that we focus on leading people out of darkness into His marvelous light? The church was established to be an instrument of truth and light. Let us lead as such.

Why Leadership…Part 1

Why should anyone study leadership?

God: When we read the Bible, we find that God always placed individuals in positions of leadership for His people. God intends His people to be led. The same is true today.

The obvious breakdown of the home in our world introduces an urgency for leadership. Children deserve fathers and mothers who know how to lead as it is outlined in scripture. They need examples to follow. When leadership in the home breaks down, everything in society eventually follows.

These two areas provide a beginning point for our consideration as we dig more deeply into a study of leadership.


Our family has experienced transitions on several fronts. Multiple moves from one city and state to another is challenging. Add to that a change in culture and climate, the challenges increase. Transitions may or may not be as difficult as a major move, but they introduce challenges nonetheless.

The church continues to face transitions.

Regardless of where we stand on the challenges introduced during a time of transition, the bottom line is the same. Without solid, biblically guided leadership the time of transition will make or break the direction of growth.

The church cannot grow beyond the strength of its leadership.

The Choice

The issue of choice relates to every area of life. Walk down the isle of any store and consider the choices available on any product. At times, it becomes overwhelming to determine exactly what is needed.

A study of leadership highlights the challenge of making choices. The choices made by leaders can make the difference in success or failure?

Sadly, many choices are made by trial and error. Only after the results of the choice are seen can another decision be made concerning the appropriate direction to take.

Nothing is more significant than leading others to make the choice about Jesus.

The Power of Truthfulness

The opposite of truthfulness leads in one direction – deception.

Leaders must be truthful with followers and with themselves.

One of the greatest challenges for leaders is to be honest enough with themselves to make the kind of decisions that demonstrate their integrity.

Being truthful with the direction we should take may not always align with our initial plans.

Being truthful with those who are invested in following will not allow us to be self-centered.

Being truthful with God will always lead in paths of righteousness.

Leaders must be careful not to allow good intentions to vindicate pretentious actions.

Be truthful with self, others, and God in all areas.

Leading by Instant Replay

We are all familiar with the use of “instant replay” in sports.

What would instant replay look like in our leadership?

Has there been a time when we said or did something we wish we could rewind and do over?

How would it affect our leadership if we reviewed our words and actions through instant replay?

What would the future look like if we were able to slow down and carefully examine events of the past?

A few thoughts to remember.

1) Learn from mistakes of the past.
2) Recognize the warning signs.
3) Think before speaking and acting, especially if anger is present.