Category: Daily Leadership

Passion to Think Bigger

What could happen if leaders knew how to think big.

Nelson Mandela said, “There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Settling for less than what we are capable of limits what God is capable of doing through us…if we only let Him.

We often believe God will not do something because we are convinced we cannot do it.

There must be a passion that is driven by and for greatness, a greatness that is only measured by the power of God to work in amazing and powerful ways.

Leading Opportunities

Opportunities are circumstances providing possibility, either to be gained or lost.

If we cannot see the possibilities, we will never take advantage of the opportunities.

We cannot sit back and wait for opportunities. If we do, chances are we will accomplish little, if anything.

We must open our eyes to the needs of all people, more specifically, those who are not like us.

We must also be ready to get involved, meaning there will be a need to get our hands dirty.

We must rely on God to open the doors and use us to His glory.

Seize the opportunities by seeing the incredible possibilities.

Risky Leadership

A risk involves the possibility of danger or harm, a person or thing regarded as likely to turn out good or bad within a particular context.

There can be low risk and high risk, but risk is going to be involved in leadership.

The key is learning how not to fear risk, but manage it instead.

Two questions came to mind in application for spiritual leaders:

1) What are the risks if we decide not to lead others to Christ?
2) What are the risks of waiting, or procrastinating, to lead them?

When we procrastinate or are unwilling to take the risk, we take the greatest risk of all.

Leadership Scars

Most people have scars. They are the result of surgery, an accident, or some foolish activity.

Scars can also be emotional, mental, and spiritual, often left for the same reasons.

What do scars leave behind?

They leave us with a reminder of what caused it.

Scars remind us of pain involved.
Scars show us the incredible wisdom and power of God.
Scars serve as a reminder to be cautious about creating future scars.

The greatest reminder of scars is found in the hands and feet of our Savior. The example that left Him with these scars should always be a reminder of what our leadership is all about.

Actions and Motives

Leaders give of their time and ability to help others. It demands their attention and willingness to see others reach their greatest potential. Whatever it takes becomes the mindset of spiritual leaders who sacrifice their own will for the will of God.

The idea of selflessness is so interrelated it becomes difficult to distinguish. However, the difference is seen in the action of one and the motivation in the other. Effective leadership will make sacrifices, but the reason they make them is the selfless heart of God’s servant.

These two concepts speak for themselves, but the related ideas help all of us lead with the right actions and motives.

Genuine Interest

A genuine interest in others is easier said than done. As well, there are some individuals we are more genuinely interested in than others.

Having a genuine interest in all people requires a few key components.

Genuine interest requires the ability to listen. Learn to listen with your ears and your heart.

Genuine interest requires eye contact. When there is disinterest, focus on good eye contact.

Genuine interest requires appropriate questions. Who? What? When? Where? How? and Why? all help identify interests.

A few key components, like a genuine interest in others, makes an effective leader.


A key practice of spiritual leaders is prayer, which is significant for a couple of reasons.

First, leaders understand the need to communicate with the One who is in control of all things. To have an audience with God yields the greatest power in every situation.

Second, understanding how communication works with God also helps leaders understand the need for effective communication with others.

Communication is a noteworthy subject in every relationship. While it applies to leaders, it also applies to everyone.

When leaders are effective communicators issues are resolved more quickly and progress results.

Primal Leaders

Primal comes from a Latin word meaning “first.” The idea relates to the beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life: intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

When thinking about leadership, the need is evident to understand the primary / first elements that must be in place for success.

A few elements that are building blocks for all leaders include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.

These are the “primal” of leadership.

Using these as a foundation, leaders can build strength and character providing hope for everyone who follows.

Self-Serving Leaders

Leaders must be cautious about what they say, how they write, and the influence they have when leading others.

When one’s speech (spoken or written) is filled with personal pronouns, e.g. “me,” “myself,” and “I,” they need to step back and evaluate what, or perhaps more appropriately, who they are promoting.

True spiritual leadership must be focused on the good of others, even at the expense of self.

How can we demonstrate love if our words and actions betray that love for the purpose of serving self?

Leadership is filled with challenges, not the least of which is self.

Choices in Leadership

Colin Powell once said, “You can’t make someone else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours.”

It would be easy to make choices for someone else. After all, a leader is supposed to have the answers, right?

However, if leaders made decisions for others, wouldn’t others be positioned to make choices for them?

When we make choices for others there is always a possibility of resentment, and certain expectations are often created.

Making choices for others can also lead to an unhealthy dependency.

Leadership involves helping others make the right choices, not making choices for them.