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Convicting Questions…

The questions asked by God and Jesus are convicting.

God asked Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” Why? He wanted them to realize where they were in relationship to Him.

Do we know where we are in relationship to God?

After Peter tells Jesus he would lay down my life for Him, Jesus asks, “Will you lay down your life for Me?”

Would we lay down our life for Jesus?
Will we live for Him?

Seems strange to think we would lay down our life for Him, yet be unwilling to live for Him, doesn’t it?

Take a moment and ask a few questions and think about the answers.

Intimidating Leadership…

Is it possible to be intimidating and not be aware of it? Yes. We must work to ensure we do not fall into this category.

We know, however, it is common for leaders to feel they must be intimidating to achieve their goal or purpose.

This style of leadership creates a temporary and false sense of accomplishment. People do not want to follow such leaders. They follow because they feel trapped, hope is lost, and the future has no purpose.

People should not be intimidated by leaders and leaders should not be intimidating. We lead people to heaven. Give people hope!

The Light of Leaders…

God is light and in Him there is no darkness. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”

Christians are also a light to the world. We walk in the light and let our light shine.

Think about the light of our leadership. The role of spiritual leaders is twofold.

We lead those who are in darkness into the light of Christ, salvation gained.

And, we help children of light walk in the light, salvation maintained.

If we can channel our focus in these two areas, our leadership reaches its greatest significance and those who follow are eternally grateful.

The Smallest Influence…

Jill Briscoe’s book, Jonah and the Worm, is a quick read with a powerful connection to leadership.

God’s purpose is not always understood at first. There will be times we do not understand God’s purpose until we have completed His will.

Whoever does God’s will is great in His eyes, even though they may be small. Leaders should never overlook the influence of anyone regardless of their size or contribution.

It is not the length, but the power of the message that changes lives. Jonah’s message was five words and changed an entire city. The lesson? Think before speaking.

We need to constantly learn how to improve our leadership.

Leading Face-to-Face…

Most grandparents love to use FaceTime. This technological tool allows people to see others when talking to them.

The use of FaceTime also has relevance and significance to leadership.

You must have a connection to use it. Are we connected to those who follow? Can we really see them?

The stronger the connection, the greater ability to communicate. The value of being connected to others enhances our ability to lead in powerful ways.

The connection is most effective when we see others. Forms of electronic communication may suffice. However, the best results occur face-to-face.

Try a little real face-time and watch the difference.

If We Knew…

If we knew we only had one day to live, what would we do?

Would we spend all our time on Facebook, scanning the internet, watching movies, worrying about what we are going to wear or eat?

Would we be consumed with the appearance of our house?

Would we put off talking to a neighbor, coworker, friend, or relative about Jesus?

I am sure a number of provoking thoughts and piercing questions come to mind.

Life is uncertain. As spiritual leaders, what would we do if we only had one day? If we know the answer, then let us prioritize our lives to act accordingly.

Make a List…

It is amazing how much more effectively we work and what we can accomplish when we have a checklist.

Spiritual leaders need to form a checklist. The list takes into consideration the three Ws.

Who we lead is crucial to understanding how we lead.

What needs to be accomplished addresses needs, abilities, opportunities, responsibilities, and the dreams of others.

Why we lead helps us see more clearly the direction to design and plans to follow.

When we take a few simple ideas and ask ourselves the right questions, the checklist will lead to greater efficiency and accomplishment for the Lord.

Leadership “For Life…”

Weddings are exciting. A great deal of work goes into making about 25-30 minutes a special half hour in the life of two people.

As vows are exchanged, “for life” takes on a new significance.

Challenges will come, family problems will arise, and health difficulties will occur. However, we can face and overcome them all when we understand what we mean by “for life.”

Leadership is the same. It must be “for life.” It is an opportunity, not a chore. It is a privilege, not drudgery.

We can make a difference when we know it is “for life.”

Power of Character…

We have examined several areas about character in the past and it cannot be overstated. Character is the very substance of leadership.

General Norman Schwarzkopf is credited with saying, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”

Character is about the head, heart, and hands of a leader. Determination is the head, development is the heart, and demonstration is the hands of a leader’s character.

Where there is character, there is leadership! We need strategy, but strategy takes a distant second place to the necessity of character.

Leading Positive Change…

Negativity is a powerful influence. Whether age, circumstances of life, challenges within the church, or any number of areas, we can easily become cynical.

We cannot and must not allow daily external situations to influence our efforts in making change.

We not only have a reason to live, but a reason to have joy in this life, as we anticipate the coming of an eternal one.

Our efforts as leaders must be to make a positive change. The external circumstances will always exist and challenge the core of leadership. However, we must arise above it and lead to make a positive change, one that begins with us.