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Balance and Priorities…

A gentleman at the local fitness center once said, “anything worth doing is worth overdoing.”

The common application of this idea is a “workaholic.” We easily get wrapped up and consumed in various areas of what we do.

How do we prevent falling into this trap of obsessiveness and overdoing it?

We need balance. Balancing family, work, and other activities is challenging. If not careful, we become imbalanced and overdo one above the other.

We need to evaluate priorities. We need to live according to the proper priorities of God, family, work.

While there are other ideas to consider, these steps will help us prevent overdoing as leaders.

Exceptional Leaders…

We consider someone exceptional when they are outstanding, out of the ordinary, unusual, or atypical.

How do we characterize our leadership? Would the word exceptional fit? How do we pursue a leadership that is exceptional?

Servanthood leadership quickly demonstrates this exceptional mindset.

Placing the needs of others above our own is not the usual or ordinary approach to leadership.

This explains why spiritual leaders are atypical. From the motive to the activity, others can easily spot exceptional leaders.

A little self-examination goes a long way to help us step up to be exceptional leaders.

Christian Character…

N.T. Wright addresses Christian character at length.

First, he examines the virtuous purpose of Christian character. The Christian life is one that develops the virtue to act naturally.

Second, he discusses the need for character transformation, a renewal of mind. Character transformation occurs within and initiates a change in behavior.

Third, he considers faith, hope and love. These virtues connect to the development of the fruit of the Spirit within the context of community.

The premise emphasizes both practice and community. We need each other to implement these virtues. We cannot develop as spiritual leadership in isolation.

Test of Leadership…

Leaders face numerous tests that define their leadership. Arnold Glasow said, “One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.”

How is it possible? Here are a few suggestions.

Accept that problems will happen. Denying or ignoring potential problems only invites an emergency.

Practice listening skills. Many problems can be detected sooner if leaders listen more carefully.

Ask appropriate questions. At the first sign of a problem, ask questions that pertain to the situation.

Learn from the past. Lessons learned from previous experience provide a foundation for the future.

These suggestions are initial steps in the right direction.

People-Centric Leaders…

Philip Kenneson’s book, Life on the Vine, makes a significant point related to spiritual leadership.  He describes the need to view the fruit of the Spirit with an “others-directed” mindset.

From a leadership perspective, the idea guides our steps with a focus on others: people-centric.

Initially, it is logical to think about developing the fruit of the Spirit as qualities within our own lives, but the idea involves demonstrating––rather than developing––these qualities toward others.

When this happens, our leadership soars. Followers see and know that leaders have their best interest always at heart.

Decisive Leadership…

While we speak about decisiveness on a regular basis, the need for decisive leaders cannot be overstated.

Steve Diggs recently wrote, “Be a Fast-Forward Leader: Make a decision. The world is paved with flat squirrels that couldn’t make up their minds.”

Too often, leaders hesitate when it comes to decisions. The result leaves followers confused, discouraged, doubtful, and distrusting.

As leaders, we do not want or need this situation.

Lead decisively. We need to gather as much information as quickly as possible and then decide. Do not get caught in the delayed reaction action syndrome. The result is deadly to leadership.

A Leadership Slogan…

Our world is filled with catchy phrases and slogans.

Kay Jewelers: “Every kiss begins with Kay.”
Nike: “Just do it.”
Army: “Be all you can be.”
Maxwell House: “Good to the last drop.”
How many remember the slogan for Wheaties? The “Breakfast of ____________________.”

While slogans are popular, our leadership should not be defined by them. Our leadership is not about a slogan; it is about souls, leading others to Christ. Let us make our leadership count for something right. Think Souls!

In case you are still trying to figure out the Wheaties slogan, it is “champions.”

A Leader’s Challenge…

Challenges can refer to a conflict of nature (I challenge you to a dual).

They indicate the magnitude, or difficulty, in achieving a specific goal (We are challenged to reach five thousands souls).

They may be an objection (Our purpose is being challenged by another organization).

Challenges also express a motivational tactic to create action (I challenge you share Jesus with others).

Our leadership will face challenges, many of which fall into one or more of these categories.

Leadership exists in the face of challenge at every level. The true measure of our character is determined by where we stand in the times of challenge.

Leading by Action…

People are prone to speak, but often fail to prove by action. It is easier to talk about what we want to do, or what we are going to do. However, the challenge comes in putting our words into action.

Dale Carnegie said, “The older I get the less I listen to what people say and the more I look at what they do.”

Leadership is about action. We make a difference when we practice what we preach. If we follow someone it should happen because we see their life in action, not in words.

Learn to listen, but lead by action.

The Need for Leaders…

At various times in life we need to do a little soul searching.

We challenge the core of who we are, why we are here, and what we are supposed to do.

In these times, the need for leadership is more prevalent than any other. It may be we need to find someone to help, guide, or listen with a sympathetic ear. It may be someone else needs the same from us.

Regardless, the search for leaders is more needed today than ever. I pray God will help us sort through those times and lead, as well as, be led.