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Doubting Leaders…

Thomas often receives the greatest criticism because of his desire to see the hands and side of Jesus.

However, scripture teaches us all the apostles fled when Jesus was condemned to die. All the apostles initially doubted the reports by the women who had seen Him.

It should not take a visible manifestation of Jesus to recognize that the whole of who we are is connected to His Lordship.

Thomas was one who challenged the report, demonstrated in his expression of doubt. However, once he saw Jesus, he did not hesitate to confess what all leaders should place at the foundation of their leadership.

Contextual Leadership…

Context is an interesting word with a variety of meanings and applications. From a particular written document to specific circumstances or statements, the context should determine our approach.

What is the context of our leadership?

By examining the circumstances surrounding our opportunity to lead, what approach do we take when it comes to leading others?

Do we find ourselves out of context?

We need to serve within the context which God has given us to serve.

The context of our Lord’s leadership was one of serving others, placing their needs above His own. Our leadership must be in the same context.

A Leader’s Payoff…

As a leader, a question needs to be answered. What is the real payoff for our leadership?

There are several answers, but here is a thought.

The real payoff comes when the lives of followers change. This is what our leadership is all about. We are trying to change lives, eternally.

When we examine the work of Jesus at the cross, the payoff is witnessed in the lives changed around the world.

Spiritual leadership is not about seeking fame, popularity, and wealth. The payoff is summed up in the people who will see heaven because of our leadership.

Learning Leaders…Part 2

Teaching provides an opportunity to influence the greatest amount of people. However, Rosabeth Moss Kantor says, “Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach.”

When I read the quote it reminded me of the most powerful leaders that live. They are learners first, then teachers.

When students see their teachers passionate about learning and sharing what they learn, it excites everyone involved in the process. What a powerful combination!

If we want to grow in our leadership example and be the kind of role model others can emulate, then exemplify this thought.

God-Centered Leadership…

Biblical leadership can never be about you or me. What is our leadership about?

It’s about God. Every thought, word and action is focused on our God. We are to glorify Him, lift Him up, and point others to Him.

It’s about others.The very idea of leading others-centric. We are in the business of leading people. Our leadership is necessitated by helping others come to God.

If we really want to make a difference and leave a dynamic legacy, then we need to understand the nature and purpose of our leadership.

It is first about God and, second, others.

Learning Leaders…

There is something special about the opportunity to learn from others, either from a book, in a classroom, experience, or one on one.

Some lessons are easier to learn than others. There are some lessons we do not like learning, even though they must be learned.

However, being a student is one of the vital needs of leadership.

We never want to reach a point where we think we have made it, no need to learn anything more.

Throughout life there will be numerous lessons to learn. We need to take advantage of every opportunity to be a student. Doing so will improve our leadership.

The Promise of Leadership…

Herb Tatum is noted for this thought, “Never make a promise you can’t keep.”

His point is valid. We need to be careful and thoughtful before speaking.

Jesus noted the need for us to be careful about our words. Our yes should mean yes and our no, no. When we say we will do something, then do it.

Nothing is more frustrating than when someone says, “I’ll get right back to you,” and they never do. This is magnified even more when it extends into areas of leadership.

A leader must be bound to their word.

Never make a promise we can’t keep!

A Question of Leadership…

Answering questions can be challenging. Some questions make us very uncomfortable.

How will we answer for our leadership? To whom will we answer?

The truth remains! We are going to lead, the question is where will we lead?

Are we leading others to a better life in this present world, or in relationship to God?

Will others view our leadership as serving others or self-serving?

Why are we leading?

Leadership is not intended to be disheartening or discouraging. We are challenged to lead in the greatest arena, with the greatest motive, for the greatest cause.

Where will we lead?

A Leader’s Walk…

Paul refers to a way of life or conduct as our walk. He instructs Christians to conduct their lives with certain qualities or attributes, not a one time action, but a lifestyle.

Where do leaders walk? What do they think about as they walk?

Walking characterizes the whole of our leadership. Leadership is a way of life demonstrated by our conduct lived before others in a way that influences the direction of others, eternally.

When we are told to go for a walk, maybe we need to consider changing our conduct of life to lead as God wants us to lead.

A God Thing…

It’s just a God thing. Think about the power behind this thought.

We face challenges in life. Difficulties often hit when we least expect them. Through the providential working of God, we may not see how we avoided a catastrophic event until we get past our frustration and look back.

We may not understand it at first, but maybe it’s a God thing.

How about our leadership? Is God doing His thing? Are we frustrated with the challenges or difficulties we encounter in leading others?

Sometimes we need to trust it may just be a God thing.