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Our Greatest Ally…

Leadership is not making things happen on our own. The minute we try to go alone, we are destined for failure.

When David faced Goliath he knew his Ally. Goliath came to the battle equipped and able to fight, but David came with the living God of Israel. Care to guess who wins?

When we come to the battle with the living God by our side, we cannot fail. Paul reminds us of this in Romans 8:31-39.

The lesson is powerful, and we can live with this confidence when God is our greatest Ally.

Courageous Leaders…

Courage has application for everyone. At some point or another, we face various situations and decisions when we need courage. 

Peter Block says, “Courage isn’t done for the sake of being practical. It’s chosen for its own sake. As soon as you make courage practical, you’ve stolen its humanity.”

Courage is rarely developed; rather it is a choice of the moment. As leaders, we face challenging obstacles or decisions and we must choose to act with courage.

The ability to consistently act with courage is a defining mark of great leadership. 

An Elevator to Leadership…

Elevators are convenient, less taxing on the body, and quicker.

How great would it be to take an elevator to the top of leadership? The mind and body would have less stress. We would not experience the process of strategically putting one foot in front of the other. It would surely be more convenient.

However, it does not work this way. Never has. Never will.

We are shaped by our experiences throughout the journey.

There are no quick and easy ways to the top of leadership. The greater our diligence, the greater our leadership.

Leadership Influence…

The Energizer battery company put together ads of an indestructible rabbit powered by Energizer batteries. Nothing could stop it. This rabbit kept on going and going!

Doesn’t this describe a leader’s influence? Our physical bodies will not last, but our influence will be remembered long after we are gone.

How do we want to be remembered?

Once we answer that question, we must begin living it…NOW! It does not happen by accident. It is the result of intentional and diligent effort.

Our influence lives long beyond now, but it is determined by the choices we make now.

Leadership Values…

We talk about values. We understand the need for values. We even categorize our values: personal, family, moral, and work.

What are the “core” values of our life?

We face the necessity of recognizing that leadership must be based on these core values.

The determining factor for our core values must be God’s word. When it is, the people who surround us all benefit from our core values.

Our leadership will not grow beyond the level of the values we live by as a leader. Let us make sure our values measure up to the right standard.

The Unknown…

Fear of the unknown ranks near the top of most people’s fears. It encompasses so many different areas, the unknown with the economy, job security, health, and safety.

Certainly, the unknowns of leadership would qualify.

The task before us in spiritual leadership is to remove these unknowns. When we consider death, we may fear the unknown of what happens at death.

However, because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, this fear has been removed. We can provide no greater confidence to others than sharing this hope. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Think Souls!

Love What We Do…

As spiritual leaders, we need to love what we do, because the benefits are eternal.

We need to believe and know this is a great work!

Steve Jobs once said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

The work is far too valuable and important to do just enough to get by, the minimum.

This is God’s work. Let us love it, live it, and invest our lives into it.

A Big Step…

At some point, we all face the challenge of leaving one position for another. Imagine the difference when we do so with the mindset of not stepping down, but stepping aside.

We all get older. As we do, we need an awareness of what we are able and unable to accomplish as leaders.

One of the best ways to help the work continue is not by stepping down, but stepping aside. 

Stepping down brings an element of finality and completion.

Stepping aside offers a way to help as the work continues. It brings a powerful element of mentorship for the one who follows.

It Just Takes One…

Consider the power one person has to change the world. 

Numerous people have changed the direction of the events in history. However, none compare to the power of the One who changed the course of the physical and eternal realm.

He is the One we need to know. He is the One we must lead others to know.

While others may leave an incredible legacy, their lives will end and their soul will stand in the presence of the Creator. 

Our legacy as leaders must make a difference in the eternal outcome of others, not just the physical.

Passionate Leaders…

Passion comes from a Latin word meaning “to suffer.”

Most remember the movie The Passion Of The Christ. The title was derived from the idea of the Latin word.

The Leadership Legacy was written by Kouzes and Posner. The authors quickly point out the need for leaders to understand they must serve and suffer.

Leaders must put the needs of others above themselves. This Biblical truth and the quality of great leadership are seen when leaders abandon a self-seeking worldly approach.

Be passionate, but understand what passion really means.