Continuing education is beneficial for personal growth and development. The drive behind the educational process is to dig a little deeper into the storehouse of knowledge to gain a better understanding of the wisdom others have gained.
Obviously, Paul understood there are limits to which this knowledge can benefit, or cause arrogance. The challenge is learning how to balance the knowledge with application.
The very thought of application should move us to dig deeper to understand the implications of what has been learned. Amidst the dangers of arrogance and the depth of responsibility in teaching, there is a driving force to grow and improve who we are and what we do.
Be humble. Humility is key to balance growth in knowledge.
Prioritize the spiritual. Remember what will last.
Trust in God’s guidance. Know who is in control.
Always keep Jesus in view. This is what leadership is all about.
If we do these things, the information we gain will increase our ability to lead and help others reach our heavenly home.
The heart of leadership must be connected to the mind of leadership.