Tag: 2 Samuel 24:24

Skin in the Game

When an individual has “skin in the game” there is a level of commitment that moves one to greater action in achieving the desired result.

Skin in the game might involve money, time, ability, or even life itself. When a leader knows they must be invested, their commitment increases because failing to accomplish the goal will cost them something.

David understood this need as he offered sacrifice to God in 2 Samuel 24:24. He would not offer God anything that did not cost him something.

Leadership will cost us something. What we must recognize is that with God, it is worth the investment.

Worth the Investment…

When someone has “skin in the game,” their approach to every situation, project, plan, or goal changes.

Commitment increases when a leader is invested, because failing to accomplish the goal costs them something.

David understood this thought in 2 Samuel 24:24. He dared not offer a sacrifice to God that did not cost him something.

With skin in the game, we attract followers willing to do the same.

Leaders find it a little more difficult to just simply walk away from their charge when invested. 

Leadership costs us something, but what we must recognize is that with God, it is worth the investment.