Tag: Admonish

Lead Like Jesus

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men in preparation for the work He commissioned them to fulfill.

Teach: Teaching often falls short when it comes to application. Information is good, but how to use that information is better.

Encourage: The power behind encouragement motivates people to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing the necessary tools to fulfill a given task and responsibility leads to the success of followers, especially as they are prepared to lead.

Teach, Encourage, Admonish, Equip

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men to go and make disciples.

Think about how Jesus individualized each word.

Teach: People will only do what they are taught to do, and our teaching must include application. When provided, everyone learns how to fulfill the task.

Encouraging others motivates them to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing tools to fulfill each task and responsibility are vital to the success of followers, especially as we prepare them to lead.

A Spiritual Leader

How should we define spiritual leadership? Realizing there are numerous possibilities, perhaps the best approach is to consider a biblical response.

Here are 10 scriptural ways to help define spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly.
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in the working of God.

These are 10 suggestions and require a lifetime to develop in leadership.

Four Words…

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped disciples in preparation for the work He commissioned them to fulfill.

Teach: People will only do what they are learn to do. When application is taught, we all learn how to fulfill the task.

Encourage: When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm from occurring in their lives.

Equip: Providing the necessary tools to fulfill the given task and responsibility is vital to the success of followers.