Tag: Apathy


Janet Dailey is credited with saying, “Someday is not a day of the week.”

When we consider the urgency of leadership within the church today, one has to wonder if years ago the thought was, “Someday I will lead.”

Apathy and indifference has influenced the church to the point we now have a generation that lacks the desire to lead.

Where is the passion that drives us to excel as Paul instructed? What happened to the desire to improve who we are in order to help others grow?

The time is NOW! We must not delay to meet the urgency of the situation.

Benefits of Failure

What or who determines failure? Why is failure seen as negative? How can leaders learn and improve their leadership?

Recognize failure is inevitable. No matter who you are failure takes place.

Acknowledge and take responsibility. Do not ignore, deny, or cast blame when failure occurs.

Remember the words of Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Do not hesitate to act. Waiting to act creates a perception of apathy.

Learn from failure and make changes to prevent the same mistakes.

Work to build a series of successful events or programs to reassure the strength of the leadership.


Two simple letters, but so hard to use. The result tends to leave a leader overloaded, panic stricken, and stressed out.

Why does this happen? Here are a few possibilities.

Pride: The issue here is the mindset that no one else has the ability to do the job as good as “I” can do it.

Selfishness: When leaders become so focused on their own agenda or desires, saying “yes” creates a busy appearance and pads the ego.

Apathy: When leaders are no longer concerned about others, they might as well say yes because it does not matter whether they get to it or not.

Apathy and Indifference…

Has apathy and indifference robbed us of our faith?

Today’s news is old by tomorrow and forgotten the day after. We are bombarded with change, and these changes occur so quickly there is no accurate measurement of time to gauge it. 

We are so easily and quickly bored with the events that come and go that it doesn’t matter any more, nor do we care. 

Spiritually, we are not keeping up with these changes. Therefore, have apathy and indifference robbed us of our fire?

Leaders must guard against both. 

When we care about the people and events around us, we work to protect them from spiritual tragedy. Let us rise up!