Tag: Battle

Scared or Sacred Leadership?

Why is leadership so scary?

Knowing that leaders deal with answering questions pertaining to goals, plans, maintaining morale, personality conflicts, providing resolution, etc., it does not take long to determine why the ground upon which a leader stands can be a scary place.

How do we move from scared to sacred ground?

Spending time communicating with God will help us reach a more sacred footing rather than one of being scared. Studying individuals throughout scripture who were able to overcome with God’s help, will help as we approach sacred ground.

It is a start and sometimes getting started is half the battle.

Role of the Shepherd…#7

The next thought expressed is one that aligns with the Great Commission. Jesus says, “I have sent them into the world.”

Although not of the world, they were in the world and had a task to complete. 

When “church” is confined to the building, shepherds stop short of understanding the significance of this role. When the sheep assemble together, it is time to encourage, strengthen, build up, and prepare them to be sent into the world.

Shepherds, always remember that the time spent with sheep to equip them to be sent into the world makes the difference in how the sheep survive and return from the battles ahead.