Tag: Blessing

A Blessing or Curse

Examining the life of Moses indicates the preparation of a godly leader who represents wisdom, strength, and tenacity.

Notice his appeal in the last sermon of Deuteronomy.

As Moses addressed the nation of Israel he presented them with a blessing and a curse, life and death. He urged them to choose life that they might live.

Amidst the challenges of leadership in this postmodern, excessively individualistic world, perhaps the simple approach to the choices offered by Moses can redirect our attention to the heart of the matter.

As leaders, our task is to appeal to choose wisely, choose life that they might live.

Share the Blessing

What are the odds, out of all the people on earth who have never heard the name of Jesus, you and I were fortunate enough to hear it?

Why were we blessed to hear the Gospel when many in the world hear an altered version if they hear it at all?

Maybe you have never considered these questions, but we need to recognize the responsibility that comes with this opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering the numbers of those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

This blessing is meant to be shared.

A Blessing or Lesson

One of my favorite thoughts is credited to Mother Teresa, “Some people come into your life as blessings, others come into your life as lessons.”

I used to tell our kids, “Everyone brings happiness, some when they come and some when they leave. So, live your life in a way that people are happy to see you come.”

What about leadership? Are we a blessing or a lesson?

Our decisions, words, and example leave a powerful influence one way or the other.

Make sure to lead in a way that people are happy to see us.

Happy Thanksgiving…

From the Turner family
and the Sunset Academy of Leadership Training

Happy Thanksgiving

May God abundantly supply your every need and provide you
every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.

The Choice: Life or Death…

An examination of Moses’ life highlights the grooming of a godly leader who represents wisdom, strength, and tenacity.

As Moses addressed the nation, he presented a blessing and a curse, life and death. He urged them to choose life that they might live.

Amidst the challenges of leadership in this postmodern, individualistic world, perhaps the simple offer by Moses can redirect our attention to the heart of the matter.

God extends the same offer now as He did then: A blessing and a curse, life and death. The choice is made by each individual.

As leaders, our task is to encourage others to choose wisely.