Tag: Blessings

Finding Our Strength (Part 2)

Where does the strength we need come from when we find ourselves in difficult times? Consider two possibilities.

1) Find a way to express your feelings and share the burden with someone. One of the most helpful avenues to find strength is through expression, which can take numerous forms: writing, singing, talking, physical activity, and more.

2) Remember God’s goodness and trust He knows our plight. An area that provides strength is memory. The ability to remember is a precious gift. While we often remember the negative side of life, we also remember God’s providential blessings. He will see us through.

A Grateful Leader…

Families and friends will soon gather to enjoy Thanksgiving.

We would all agree with the need to express our gratitude daily.

The God-given responsibility of leading can be a heavy burden, but the rewards are rich in eternal blessings.

A few are listed below.

An incredible God who created us, loved us, and was willing to die for us.
wonderful opportunity to work with the greatest people on earth.
The generosity of trust from faithful brethren who make our work possible.
Abundant physical and spiritual blessings.
A perfect Word that provides direction, strength, hope, and promise.

May leaders always express gratitude.