Tag: Celebrate

Bleed the Vision

As leaders cast a vision for the future, goals and plans are established. Morale reaches a pinnacle and we enjoy the anticipation and excitement that builds as we push into the depths of the work and strive to achieve our goals.

What we do the day after the goal is reached makes the greatest impact on future success.

Never forget to celebrate achievement when goals are completed. Celebrate all who contributed to the success.

But…do not lose sight of the vision. As one individual identified, leaders who “bleed the vision” are needed.

The vision extends beyond the goal and keeps everyone focused on our “Why.”

Selfless Leaders

Sports fans around the world often celebrate the thrill of victory but also endure the agony of defeat. Sporting events bring out the best and worst of athletes.

When seen, we cheer the selfless character of those who understand true sportsmanship.

Perhaps the most thrilling part is demonstrated in the leadership roles among team events. The impressive way leaders step up and motivate their teams to give more than they imagined challenges all of us to take note.

Spiritual leaders must step up and motivate others to run a race far more significant than one to win a gold medal that eventually fades away (1 Co. 9:19-27).

Preparing for the New Year

How do you close out one year and begin another? We like a fresh start, new opportunities, a renewed sense of hope that things will be better. Perhaps this is why New Year’s Resolutions are popular.

As you close out 2021 and start 2022 consider four possibilities.

1) Establish essential resolutions. These are resolutions that build confidence in our leadership.
2) Set daily reminders. Find a way to remind yourself of these resolutions every day.
3) Connect resolutions to others. Use a support system to encourage fulfilling each one.
4) Celebrate each victory. Find a way to celebrate the achievement with a reminder of more to come.

In Sync Leadership

To be “in sync” involves harmony between our own life and the lives of others, especially those we lead. How can leaders work with others in ways that leave both feeling in sync?

1) Listen. The idea of active listening involves the ability to listen with the head and heart.

2) Equip. An urgent requisite includes equipping others with the tools to accomplish the task.

3) Motivate. Leaders must encourage and inspire others in order to be on the same page.

4) Reward. When the job is done well and reaches its end, the achievement deserves a time to celebrate the victory.