Tag: Challenges


We must prepare the next generation with the determination to deal with many challenges.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christ-like manner possible and equip others to lead in the same way. A few suggestions to consider include the following.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching any challenge.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand they are only temporary.

God provides hope for better days ahead. Let us lead with strong determination and help the next generation to lead equally so.

The Design of Leadership

What is our leadership designed to do? I once read, “A ship is safe in the harbor but that is not what it was designed to do.” Unknown

The answer is simple. We were designed to lead.

Too often I hear of situations where men are qualified to lead, but unwilling to step up and take the responsibility.

Why? Because they feel safe. Most want to avoid challenges, controversies, and confrontations.

Our leadership was never designed for such.

The Lord’s church needs leaders. Rise up men of God and lead!

Our God has called us to the greatest task on earth.

Enduring Leaders

Endurance is often challenging. To endure involves bearing up under the load, far more than being patient.

While we are to be patient, to endure takes us to a level that challenges our ability to hold on, and hold on longer than we can imagine.

What will help us endure these challenges?

Remember, “If God brings us to it, He will see us through it.”

God is faithful. He is with us and He is for us (Rom. 8:31-39)!

No matter how difficult, do not forget that challenges are temporary.

With proper perspective we can endure, especially knowing our God is in control.

True Leadership

Difficulties often cause leaders to: a) step out of the leadership role, or b) never enter into a leadership role.

God never promised a carefree, problem free life. If anything, God ensures us that life is going to be filled with problems, difficulties, and suffering.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christian manner possible.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching these challenges.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand that they are only temporary.

Planning for Success

We’ve all heard that “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Success and quality are the results of intentionality and planning with a dedication to persevere.

When a plan is in place, foresight has already formulated direction for those unexpected or untimely challenges.

This does not mean we will never have to deal with challenges, but if we negotiate a plan before we are in them, we know better how to handle those times.

Leading requires a plan. This is more significant when the spiritual application is connected. Whatever time is given to develop a good plan, it will produce success and quality.

A Tenacious Leader

Think for a moment about the nature and application of tenacity for leaders.

When talking about how to face challenges, leaders hold tenacity.

When working through personal problems, leaders demonstrate tenacity.

When establishing direction, leaders portray tenacity.

When developing plans for the future, leaders lead with tenacity.

When needing to achieve the goals, leaders carry tenacity.

When seeking guidance in tough decisions, leaders exemplify tenacity.

Developing a persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.

Leading Through Difficult Times

Life presents difficulties, challenges often too great to handle. No problem, just push the “easy” button.

While an easy button might help in the purchase of office supplies, life and leadership do not work this way.

Challenges often occur when the path is the smoothest, and when one challenge begins, another sits down beside it.

Everyone wants an easy button, a do-over, a chance at a fresh start.

Leaders must recognize that when difficulties arise it is time for them to lead.

No one is exempt. Spiritual leaders face the task of helping those who encounter struggles in life with confidence and assurance.

The Ecstatic Leader

Leaders are responsible for solutions, maintaining a positive morale, and addressing the challenges head-on in order to keep the organization moving forward.

Rarely do we associate the idea of glamorous with leadership.

Consider the impact a leader has when their energy level is the driving force to accomplish goals.

What it comes down to is a decision. We can permit ourselves to be drawn into the negative side of leadership, or we can choose to step up with a different approach, changing direction in ways that influence others toward greater achievement.

Either way, the choice is ours. Let us make an ecstatic impact.

Leaders in Progress

When we think of progress, we often think of a forward movement toward a specific destination. However, we must also think in terms that can be measured.

One of the challenges leaders face in making progress is the result of thinking qualitative, rather than quantitative. We have a vague idea, but can’t really determine if we are making progress or not.

Leaders must establish short- and long-term goals that enable everyone to see progress. Here is where we ignite enthusiasm and greater involvement follows.

Get out of the status quo rut and take the initiative to lead from the front.

Leading in the Present…

David wrote, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.”

What exactly does today provide for our leadership?

Time to reflect on yesterday and make necessary changes.
Time to focus on our priorities, realizing we may only have today.
Time to prepare for potential challenges ahead.
Time to walk through God-given doors of opportunity.
Time to share the depth of our love with others.

Today is the day. Do not wait any longer. Be wise with the precious time God has placed before us.