Tag: Children


Anyone with children knows the question, “Are we there yet?”

When we consider the basis for the question it might change the perspective we have toward spiritual leadership.

The idea screams of anticipation. The excitement of reaching the destination coupled with the struggles of waiting through the journey.

Spiritual leaders, above all, should know the excitement of reaching the destination.

What is it in our life that we anticipate? What is it we are so excited about we cannot help but ask, “Are we there yet?”

The thrill of spiritual leadership is found in knowing the destination that awaits us.

Leading in Speech

Children learn by observation, probably better than adults. When children witness parents criticizing each other, other people, or the child, then they grow up believing that the standard for how to live in the home is critical in nature.

The result often leaves an atmosphere of competition, striving to be better than someone else in order to avoid being criticized.

To prevent this from developing, we need to stop and think before we speak. We may need to apologize to our children for how we have criticized them or others in the past. Above all, we must strive to set a more positive tone for the future.


One of the greatest forms of hypocrisy occurs when parents tell their children to live a certain way, yet not live by the same standard themselves.

I am not saying you must be perfect, regardless of the standard under consideration. However, there needs to be consistency.

Children already push the limits as close to the line as possible and measure every action by the consistency of parental guidance.

We must develop a consistency in approaching how the standard is lived in the home.

When we fail to live up to the standard: admit it, apologize, and make restitution. Do not excuse it…ever!

Refuge of Home

Our children are influenced from a very young age. Our influence is far greater than we can imagine, until we see and hear the expressions of our influence expressed by our children.

Because this is true, as parents we need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in our own lives.

We need to set the kind of standard we are comfortable seeing expressed in the lives of our children. We face enough challenges in battling the worldly influence surrounding us.

Use the home as a refuge that is sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.


Children ask many questions, specifically “Why?”. Children want to know the reasons behind what we say and do.

This question is also applicable when thinking about leadership.

Why are leaders needed?
Why do we need to make this decision?
Why are we making this decision at this time?
Why should “I” lead?

Take a moment to look through the gospel accounts and consider how to answer the questions Jesus asks, starting here.

Why are you worried?
Why are you afraid?
Why are you testing Me?
Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?

Think about it!

Whatever It Takes

Is leadership worth it? Are we not better off to let someone else lead? Why not focus on ourselves and our family? Would life not be easier?

Think about how it affects us on a personal level.

Will the long-term results be worth the decision?

If we relinquish the opportunity to lead, will we be content for our children to follow someone or something else?

If brethren decide to follow the path of error, will we accept the consequences for our choice not to lead?

When we weigh it all out, we will probably find that leadership is worth whatever it takes!

Spiritual Growth

We want our children to learn how to read and write, understand history, and gain a perspective of math and science. Of course, there are other subjects.

However, do we grasp the urgency of a spiritual education?

We must take a more serious look at the situation and how to better equip God’s people.

We are responsible not just to teach, but to teach others how to learn from God’s word in order that they might teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).

If we value what we learned from someone who took the time to teach us, then we must imitate their faith (Hebrews 13:7).

Why Leadership…Part 1

Why should anyone study leadership?

God: When we read the Bible, we find that God always placed individuals in positions of leadership for His people. God intends His people to be led. The same is true today.

The obvious breakdown of the home in our world introduces an urgency for leadership. Children deserve fathers and mothers who know how to lead as it is outlined in scripture. They need examples to follow. When leadership in the home breaks down, everything in society eventually follows.

These two areas provide a beginning point for our consideration as we dig more deeply into a study of leadership.

Measuring Our Leadership

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” Andrew Carnegie

One truth about leadership is “everyone is watching.” Children watch. Our spouse watches. Believe it or not, coworkers watch. Neighbors, friends, extended family, the world, they all watch.

Yes, they listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and then measure. How does our leadership measure up?

If God were to take a measurement of how we lead His people today, how would we measure up?

While it is true others watch us, remember God also watches. Will we measure up?

How Will We Lead?

How will we lead…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they possess.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus.

Our friends? The development of a spiritual focus, thoughts of relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life.

Considering their future is worth giving thought to how we will lead.