Tag: Circumstances


An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. We cannot take advantage of opportunities if we are unable to see the possibilities.

In part, leadership is about seeing the possibilities and taking advantage of the opportunities the moment they arise.

Few people would turn down the opportunity to double an investment in a short period of time. When the stakes are guaranteed we know the need to act quickly.

The same is true spiritually. Consider: 1) Do we really see the possibilities of reaching out to souls around us? 2) Do we take advantage of the opportunities God presents?

Present Circumstances

On occasions a nugget comes through and it is exciting to read and share with others, especially in leadership matters. Today is that day.

Nido Qubein said, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

The tendency most of us share is allowing present circumstances to determine where we can go and results in limited possibilities.

However, when we see our present circumstances as merely the starting point, the possibilities become unlimited.

Present circumstances provide leaders with a great launching/starting point for moving forward to achieve desired goals.

Positive Leadership

When we consider how God has empowered us with the ability to choose, and that he has provided redemption and freedom from the consequences of sin, how can we not live in Biblical joy.

We not only have a reason to live, but a reason to have joy in this life as we anticipate the coming of an eternal one.

Considering the information given to us, our efforts as leaders must be to make a positive change.

The external circumstances will always exist and challenge the core of leadership. However, we must arise above it and lead to make a positive change, and it all begins with us!

The Power of Choice

Far too many people take credit for the good in their lives and quickly find ways to blame someone else for the bad.

We also live in a culture that believes happiness is wrapped up in external circumstances and the environment in which they were born. The result promotes an if only mindset. If only the circumstances or environment were different, happiness could be found.

When we recognize that the quality of life is based on our choices, it influences the way we view and approach life.

To begin the life God designed for us requires us to live each day as a divinely given gift.

Leading in the Present…

Where have we been? Where are we now? Where do we want to go?

Nido Qubein once claimed, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

Yesterday’s choices often determine our present circumstances. The choices we make today determine the consequences we live with tomorrow.

As we consider our present circumstances, we must make a choice, but make the choice understanding the impact it will have on tomorrow.

The starting point we have today can make all the difference in how we move into the future and prepare for a greater life, physically and spiritually.

Directional Leaders…

I love the thought expressed by Nido Qubein, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” 

We tend to do the opposite and let our present circumstances dictate the direction and the results are limited.

However, when our present circumstances merely provide a starting point, the possibilities become unlimited.

There is something interesting about the “will to want to” when achieving the plans we have established. 

Our circumstances simply furnish a starting point to move forward in achieving the desired goals.