Tag: Communication

The Language of Jesus

Languages are not a strong suite for most of us. Imagine the difficulty of listening to the multiplicity of languages around the world.

However, the key to communicating effectively is understanding.

The ability to communicate so others understand is vital to our leadership.

Goals must be communicated so everyone understands.

Plans must also be communicated effectively.

Roles and responsibilities must be understood.

Above all, leading others to Jesus demands communicating the message of the cross in ways others understand.


What do we believe and why do we believe it?

Amazingly, and more to the point, when we believe something, we talk about it to others. We express why our belief is so strong. When we do not believe there seems to be no purpose.

Paul told the church at Corinth, “I believe therefore I speak.”

We have opportunity to influence people everyday. It is fundamental to leadership. Do we talk about what we believe? Do we speak about the overwhelming nature of what we believe and why we believe it?

Communication allows us to share a belief system based on the evidence of truth. Make it count!

Success or Failure?

Although the origin is unknown, I’ve heard several versions of this thought, “I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

Many do not lead because they are afraid to fail. If everyone had this attitude, where would we be spiritually? If no one had the courage to lead, what would happen to the church? We know it is impossible to please everyone.


Lead with the Bible as the basis for all decisions.
Make decisions with confidence.
Communicate decisions clearly.
Express why the decisions are made.
Understand not everyone will like or agree with all decisions.

Improving Communication

Communication is challenging. We usually think others understand clearly. Often times, we even expect others to read our minds, the old reading between the lines.

However, others do not always understand. Thus, we need to work on our ability to communicate. Every leader must constantly work to improve their communication skills.

Learn to listen. Stop reading between the lines or thinking of what to say next.

Repeat back what was heard. This step ensures understanding.

Ask questions. This helps clarify areas we might have misunderstood.

Think before responding. Take time to consider a proper response.


As a leader, how well do you listen? Several barriers can hinder our ability to listen: phone, computer, television, responsibilities, hunger pains, future plans, and so on.

Our minds can wander and we can get distracted.

Leaders have a responsibility to listen. Consider two major types of listening techniques.

Active listening involves observing behavior, body language, tone of voice, and words spoken.

Reflective listening involves a greater focus on specifics of what is said, but with an added twist. One is required to repeat back what was said to confirm understanding.

Imagine the impact on our leadership if we learned to practice both.


Google articles on communication in leadership abound. Forbes has an online article that shares ten secrets about communication in leadership. Two of the secrets are significant:

1) Speak not with a forked tongue: When leaders have a reputation that lacks character or one of poor character, people will not trust them. Communication and character go hand in hand in building trust.

2) Speak to groups as individuals: Leaders who establish a personal atmosphere where people feel valued as an individual build a rapport where a leader is heard.

When leaders work to improve communication, stronger relationships will result.


Communication becomes critical to the success of building relationships and reaching goals.

Leaders who communicate well are able to articulate the vision, inspire the actions of others, and strengthen the character of an organization to achieve long lasting rewards. This is what communication is all about.

However, the foundation for these areas is built upon knowing the people who are involved in the work, and this requires the ability to actively listen.

If we have any hope of preparing the next generation of leaders, we must listen. Remove distractions, focus on the person speaking, and truly listen.

Technological Leadership

Technology has changed the way we communicate, and it has affected avenues of leadership.

The development of technology is not backing off in the direction of the future, and it influences all of life.

Therefore, leaders need to learn how to best use technology in ways that assist their leadership.

First, do not deny, reject, or excuse the technology that exists.
Second, be open to and take time to learn.
Third, use areas of technology where followers are engaged.
Fourth, always approach and use technology as a tool for building up others.

If we will use technology appropriately, it can be a tool of great influence for the kingdom.


We are beginning the last month of the first quarter in 2024. Now is a good time to evaluate and adjust either our plans or goals. At least three areas require consideration.

One, do we have the necessary resources to complete our goals for the year? This month is a benchmark to adjust if needed.

Two, are the right people in the right positions to implement the plans? If not, we may need to make changes.

Three, have we communicated appropriately the vision and essential steps to achieve the goals? Communication cannot be overstated.

Let’s make sure we do not miss the opportunity to evaluate accordingly.

Prayerful Communication

A key characteristic of spiritual leaders is prayer. The avenue of prayer is significant to leaders for a couple of reasons.

First, leaders understand the need to communicate with the One who is in control of all things. To have an audience with God yields the greatest power in every situation.

Second, understanding how communication works with God also helps leaders understand the need for effective communication with others. In leadership, others need to know their voice is heard.

Communication is a noteworthy subject in every relationship. It applies not only to leaders, but everyone.

When leaders effectively communicate, issues are resolved more quickly and progress results.