Tag: Counsel

Testing Leadership Character…

In the words of John Holt, Jr., “The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do.”

Leaders need the qualities of patience, understanding, thoughtful reflection, the exercise of caution, and more.

Decisions can be made rashly and without a proper foundation. The result often brings serious consequences.

Seeking the counsel of others who have walked the same paths opens leaders to greater wisdom, new alternatives, and angles of consideration.

When leaders find themselves not knowing what to do, the best option is to pray!

Finding Answers for Leadership…

Trials are part of life. Fear, anxiety, and frustration take control quickly. People seek answers.

When adversity occurs, or questions arise, where do leaders go to find answers?

Leaders provide guidance, direction, encouragement, support, and answers to help others overcome their fears, anxiety, and frustration. Where do leaders find these answers?

Prayer is a good place to start.
Spend time listening to God’s word. 
Counsel the wisdom of others.
Learn the value of trust.
Admit mistakes that occur.
Never miss an opportunity to learn. 

The more prepared we are for the questions plaguing others, the stronger our leadership becomes.

A Strong Leader…

Leaders will always encounter times of discouragement, but how do we survive and grow stronger?

Here a few suggestions to consider.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Focus on one area at a time.
Learn the value of knowing when to walk away.
Seek counsel with other survivors.
Remember to seek the good in all situations

Leaders cannot avoid, ignore, or ever neglect adversity. Instead, learn how to survive the fallout when adversity exists and become a stronger leader.

Right Decision, Right Time…

When leaders face decisions, it is critical to ask, “Is this the right time?”

Leaders have struggled with the results of making the right decision at the wrong time. The key is learning to make the right decision at the right time.

How do we learn this art?

Start with prayer. Consult the One who knows the past, present and future.

Counsel the wisdom of others. Seek advice from those who experienced similar decisions.

Admit wrong decisions. Never deny, ignore, or blame others for wrong decisions.

Timing can make or break a leader. Taking the right path improves our timing.