Tag: Creative

A Leading Question

A leading question is an attempt to get someone else to communicate their understanding of facts, knowledge, or feelings. From a legal perspective, it is often used to get someone to answer a question in a specific way, leading them to often incriminate themselves or someone else.

At times, leaders may need to use both. We use questions for several reasons.

1) When others are encouraged to communicate, they feel appreciated and important.

2) We learn more by listening. We learn about feelings, desires, struggles, joys, and sorrows.

3) We create a powerful learning environment. Leaders will be surprised what they learn when creative minds are unleashed.

Creative Leadership…

Think about the creative nature of God as He designed the universe. Consider the incredible creative design of the human body.

Creativity surrounds us everywhere we go. The ability of the human mind to use imagination to draw, paint, build, sculpt and do a million other things demonstrates the creative nature of people made in the image of God.

When it comes down to leadership, a little creativity goes a long way in helping others reach their potential.

The same is true when sharing vision for the future. Leaders need the ability to go there in their mind first before helping others see it.

Creative Imagination…

Children have amazing imaginations, pretending to be Belle dancing with the Beast or shooting a web as Spider Man. It is refreshing.

While I do not promote living in a fantasy world, doesn’t leadership need a little imagination?

Imagination is about creative power. We need creative power to provide a focus on what can happen when we believe. When leaders create that kind of vision, people follow. 

How do we know it works? Look around, it happens everyday. This is the power of leadership!

We can learn from children by spending time in a world built by their creative power. Their ability to see what is unseen, believe the impossible, act it out in their minds, and speak with incredible creativity might spark a little life into our leadership.