Tag: Darkness

Difficult to Lead

Why do more not lead? One of the top reasons involves the difficultly.

We have all heard, “If it were easy everyone would do it.” Well, it is not easy. At the same time, everyone is doing it. We all influence others. Maybe we should ask ourselves, “How do we influence them?”

For good or evil?
To build on the rock or sand?
To walk in the light or darkness?
To be a sheep or a goat?
To live for Christ or against Him?

It is one tough job, but it is worth the effort.

Why Leadership…Part 2

Why do we spend so much time talking about leadership?  

Church: The present situation speaks to the need for leadership. Any discussion about leadership regarding the church acknowledges the urgency of this crisis. However, are we moved enough to do something? If we do not establish a plan now, the future of the church offers little hope.

People: The reality is that people will follow someone or something, but who or what? Doesn’t it make sense that we focus on leading people out of darkness into His marvelous light? The church was established to be an instrument of truth and light. Let us lead as such.