Tag: Dedicated

Paul…Part 2

Paul presents many qualities of leadership, some we looked at previously.

Consider a few additional qualities:

Humble: He considered himself the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle, and he was the chief of sinners. He certainly understood and exemplified humility.

Dedicated: Paul was determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Co. 2:2-5). He was dedicated to do whatever necessary to preach this message.

His love for all who were lost and his intense concern over the church is an example of true leadership. He wanted nothing more than for people to be saved.

A Dedicated Leader…

Leaders understand dedication to a fault, and they are dedicated to several areas.

They are dedicated to God. First, and foremost, their life belongs to the Almighty. They follow Him, whatever it takes.

They are dedicated to their family. They make sacrifices and express love through a willingness to do whatever is needed to get their family to heaven. 

They are dedicated to the church. No words adequately describe what leaders endure to help God’s people enjoy the security of the hope found in Jesus.

For these reasons, and many more, this post is dedicated to those leaders!

Dedicated Planning…

The adage is true, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” 

Success does not happen by accident. Quality is not the result of chance. 

Success and quality result from high intention and planning with a dedication to persevere.

When a plan is in place from the beginning, whenever challenges occur, foresight has already formulated direction for those bumps in the road.

This does not mean we never have to deal with the unexpected, but if we negotiate the bump before we get to it, we know how to handle those times.

Leading requires a plan, even more so when referencing the spiritual application. A good plan will always produce success and quality.