Tag: Dedication

A Loyal Leader

Loyalty is a vital characteristic in leadership. Leaders must be loyal to those they influence. How can leaders build the kind of loyalty needed to lead?

Demonstrate trust: The trust we have in God must be exemplified in our service. We must also learn to trust in others.

Develop consistency and integrity:
The decisions we make in leadership must be made with a consistent standard of integrity.

Dedicate the heart: Dedication involves the highest level of commitment. We must be dedicated to God, others, and reaching the goal.

These are three of many steps, but if we use them we can build a solid foundation for loyalty.

Leadership Habits…

It takes 21 days to develop a habit. Working on a specific activity or trait for 21 days straight is all we need.

When something becomes a habit, it is more like second nature, or perhaps first nature.

The amount of time necessary to reinforce the activity or trait depends on the dedication required to develop the habit.

Some habits are good and some are bad. Our greatest challenges involve breaking the bad habits. Leaders must develop the kind of habits that promote an influence toward godliness.

Perfecting our Leadership…

“Practice makes perfect” is a common expression. The idea expresses the need to do something over and over until the art is just right.

A modification of this thought says, “Perfect practice makes perfect.”

Olympic athletes practice drills, routines, or exercises for hours each day until their skill is perfected. They are dedicated to one purpose, performing for those few minutes without giving way to pressure.

Certain leadership qualities may be inherent, but one thing we know, the ability to lead must be worked on continually.

There must be focus, dedication, diligence, and a steadfast spirit to the one purpose God has called us for, to lead.

Decisive Leaders…

Life is filled with making decisions. The multiplicity of options makes the process challenging.

Leaders know that decisions change the course of their own lives, but also the lives of those who follow.

Here are a few ideas to help.

Pray for help, strength, and guidance in this decision.
Remember, indecision is a decision.
Investigate all possible consequences to the decision.
Do not always take the “easiest” course of action.
Give complete dedication to the decision.
Always think about the motive behind the decision.

A few steps can provide greater confidence in our decisions.