Tag: Deny


Leaders are in high demand, from political to spiritual arenas. In time of crisis what should we do? We could…

1) Do nothing.
2) Deny there is a crisis and continue the same course.
3) Ignore the crisis hoping it will take care of itself.
4) Procrastinate and allow the wrong leadership to take control.
5) Address the crisis with a plan of action to change the direction.

Developing a plan of action requires us to account for the following.

1) Acknowledge the problem(s).
2) Examine the severity.
3) Remove the element(s) poisoning it.
4) Develop a support system.
5) Begin a plan to prepare future leaders.

We can change the future, but we must act now!

Dealing with Failure…

When leaders fail, trust and respect are lost. The task before leaders is learning how to regain what they lose.

Consider three negatives: 

  1. Do not try to ignore or deny failure. 
  2. Do not attempt to cover up the failure.
  3. Never blame someone else for it.

Instead, four positives are needed: 

  1. Admit the failure. 
  2. Specify the failure. 
  3. Ask for forgiveness.
  4. Give a step by step plan for overcoming the failure.

More could be considered, but a simple upfront approach is where healing begins.