Tag: Dependent


When considering the idea of dependent leadership, a number of words are associated, the primary of which is reliance. Spiritual leaders understand the need to rely upon God. They are dependent upon His guidance, direction, strength, and provisions to lead others.

Spiritual leaders are also aware of the fact that followers are also dependent upon them to provide the same.

Guidance, direction, strength, and provisions are all directly related to the dependence that is associated with our relationship with God and those who fill the role of leading God’s people.

This role supplies all the basic components to our growth in relationship with God and others.


Rarely do leaders consider the interdependency of relationships. These are relationships where people are dependent on each other.

Our culture focuses on independence, a make it on your own mentality. Pride often hinders us from ever seeking or asking for help from anyone else.

The other side of the coin is one where we become dependent on someone else without contributing to the relationship ourselves.

When we take a learning posture and realize others can teach, guide, and offer something to help us in our role as leaders, we begin to fulfill an interdependency that will strengthen our ability to lead.