Tag: Destination

The Destination

Time seems to move at incredible speed as we approach the last quarter of the year. As each day flies by, we must continue to evaluate our leadership and our influence on those who follow. Do we know where we are headed? If not, how will we know if or when we get there?

Ken Davis once said, “Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time. Know where you are going and you can take anyone with you.”

Others are following, and when we know the destination, we can point others in the right direction.

The Destination

Where are we going? Do we know? What will we need to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

Spiritually, we know the destination. We anticipate the arrival, but do we know how to get there?

If we are not careful, it is easy to get caught up in the physical areas of life and think less about the spiritual. We then expect God to just “take care of it.”

We would think someone foolish not to follow a map to a destination they have never been before. If so, then how much more foolish when the eternal destination is far more consequential?

Follow the Map

When traveling, we understand the need for a map or plan to reach our destination in a proper amount of time.

Physically, we make application daily. However, when we think in terms of spiritual matters, what happens can be a completely different story. Yet, the spiritual approach is no different.

We know the destination and we desire to get there. We anticipate arriving, but what will it take to get there?

Since our destination is heaven, the map/plan provided by God can be found throughout the pages of His word. Follow the map He provides and we will get there.

The Leadership Possibilities

How many times have you thought or heard someone say, “Life doesn’t always go according to plan?”

Susan Gale acknowledges, “Sometimes heading in a new direction can be scary until you realize you’re headed toward a new and exciting destination.”

Imagine what would happen if we exercised a little patience and did not allow the scary nature of a new direction or change in plans distract us from seeing the new and exciting possibilities that might exist around the corner.

Life expands with our ability to demonstrate the kind of flexibility that allows us to take advantage of opportunities when presented. May we always see the possibilities.

Directional Leaders

Direction is the course taken to reach a destination.

What steps are needed to establish a consistent direction to reach our goals? Formulating steps provides direction for everyone involved in the project.

Do we, as leaders, know the direction necessary to accomplish the desired goal? If the answer is no, then we need to evaluate what we do and where we go.

Is the direction clear enough for others to understand and follow to reach the desired goal? Again, if the answer is no, then we need to think about communicating the direction more effectively.

Having direction is essential for reaching our destination.

A Destination Worth Reaching

How will we know when we reach the destination? The answer requires considerable thought.

To begin with, “Where are we headed?”

Our destination is based on the priorities that govern our lives, physically or spiritually.

Consider a few tips to guide us in the right direction.

First, remember there is more to life than food, clothing, and housing.
Second, we are easily blinded by only what we know empirically.
Third, time is a commodity we cannot afford to waste on the journey.

A few moments to answer the question based on these three thoughts can save a lifetime of frustration and failure.