Tag: Divine

A Divine Mission

A mission refers to an objective or purpose to be achieved. What is our mission? What is our objective or purpose? What are we really trying to achieve? Do we have a mission?

Sadly, as spiritual leaders, our mission often becomes more about what we want to achieve, rather than what God wants us to achieve.

Extremism occurs when dealing with party issues, petty ideas, or personal opinions. These become our focus and we lose sight of God’s mission.

Leaders must remain balanced. They must believe in the priority of God’s mission.

May we always lead God’s people in unity and work together to fulfill His mission.

Pursue Your Passion

What leaders pursue is determined by the core values of their character. If their character is biblically based, the pursuit is divinely grounded.

The nature of your pursuits is supported by the passionate and driving force in your life.

At times, the direction may not be what you expect, or the most comfortable, yet it must be pursued.

What gets you up and out the door in the mornings? Are you passionate about and willing to give your life to pursue it, or will you wait until the opportunity passes you by?

Leaders shape the future by their pursuits and so will you.

An Extraordinary God…

Is it extraordinary or extra – ordinary?

Either way, God worked through ordinary men and women in the Bible and made them extraordinary.

Intrigued by a burning bush, Moses approached to examine what he had never seen before. On God’s mountain, he learned how an ordinary bush can be extraordinary when it is on fire with divine activity.

We are just ordinary human beings, but when we are on fire with the divine activity of God in our lives, everything changes.

Nothing miraculous, just a simple understanding of who God is, what He has done, and what He will do.

Now that is extraordinary.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary…

When Moses approached the burning bush, God instructed him to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. An ordinary bush became extraordinary because of God’s presence and divine activity.

God has always taken the ordinary and made it extraordinary with divine activity.

Twelve men: fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot, and other ordinary people, yet when God worked through them, they became extraordinary. 

Today, we need to recognize the nature of God working through the events and people in our lives to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary. When these “burning bushes” exist, we need to stop and realize the sacred ground upon which we stand and watch how God’s divine activity shapes our leadership.