Tag: Easy

Difficult to Lead

Why do more not lead? One of the top reasons involves the difficultly.

We have all heard, “If it were easy everyone would do it.” Well, it is not easy. At the same time, everyone is doing it. We all influence others. Maybe we should ask ourselves, “How do we influence them?”

For good or evil?
To build on the rock or sand?
To walk in the light or darkness?
To be a sheep or a goat?
To live for Christ or against Him?

It is one tough job, but it is worth the effort.

Leading Through Difficult Times

Life presents difficulties, challenges often too great to handle. No problem, just push the “easy” button.

While an easy button might help in the purchase of office supplies, life and leadership do not work this way.

Challenges often occur when the path is the smoothest, and when one challenge begins, another sits down beside it.

Everyone wants an easy button, a do-over, a chance at a fresh start.

Leaders must recognize that when difficulties arise it is time for them to lead.

No one is exempt. Spiritual leaders face the task of helping those who encounter struggles in life with confidence and assurance.