Tag: Encouragement

Leading a Team…

A leader is one who leads a team in one form or another. 

The benefits of working as a team cannot be listed in one post, but here are a few.

1) Work is achieved more quickly.

2) Everyone uses their abilities more efficiently.

3) Ideas are abundant.

4) Opportunities for encouragement are greater. 

In construction, people who specialize in foundations, plumbing, framing, sheet rock, painting, trimming, and interior design are all needed to complete the project.

The same is true in the church. It takes those who cook, clean, teach, preach, sing, pray, serve, shepherd, and the list goes on.

When everyone works together, the result is growth!


A recent article by Patrick Leddin identified how smart leaders listen to three voices: the voice of truth, the voice of encouragement, and the voice of challenge.

A couple of highlights deserve our attention.

The voice of truth represents an environment created by a leader that allows others to voice truth openly and honestly.

The voice of encouragement provides a proper perspective when life seems out of control. Without negating the seriousness of the situation, they encourage.

The voice of challenge appears when an environment welcomes differences. If everyone agrees, the right people may not be on the team.

Take time to read the article and consider what voices we listen to as leaders.