Tag: Energy

Power of Rest

Leaders need to remember the importance of rest.

Personally, this is not my strong suit. The thought of taking a full day off without checking e-mail, carrying and answering the cell-phone, writing a thought for the leadership post, or something work related is strange.

Maybe you do not suffer with this mindset, but if you do, then consider the following.

Time to rest and recover is valuable to the overall work performance of everyone.

Rest helps create greater enthusiasm and energy to reach the goal.

Our family life improves. Work performance increases. It is a win – win situation.

Time and Energy

When the only value people feel they provide for an organization is from a financial perspective, then the long-term structure crumbles. We all desire to know that the time and energy we contribute to growth has value, not just financially.

If we can incorporate the same into our spiritual leadership, the response is the same. Consider the benefit to the church when Christians see leaders give of their time and energy. The result is huge in raising the level of trust and the desire to achieve the vision set forth by leaders.

Generous Leaders

Leaders should exemplify generosity. Leadership is built on giving our time, energy, money, emotions, and ability.

When leaders demonstrate generosity, others learn the value of the gift. However, our generosity must be checked.

Intention: What is the motive behind our gift?

Object: What is the object of our generosity? Work? Family? Church? Lord?

Planned dedication: Is there a planned purpose?

Action: Are we ready to start giving?

Self-examination: What are we losing by holding on to it?

What suits our giving? Do we give what is left over, easy and convenient, or is our generosity suited by the best?

Leading for the Distance…

Paul often compares Christianity to distance running.

For distance runners, there is often the challenge of starting too fast too early. The result? Muscles become fatigued and one cannot go the distance.

Another challenge is the proper balance of fluids and fuel. Without the proper fuel, we do not have enough energy to sustain long distance running.

Running may not be for everyone. However, it provides a number of lessons that parallel with leadership.

Trying to accomplish too much too quickly leaves one tired and burned out. Remember, leadership is not about a sprint, but going the distance.

A balance of spiritual nutrition is vital to that kind of leadership.

A Waste of Time…

When we give our energy, time, and talent to achieve success, we may hear a voice that says, “What you are doing makes no difference. You are wasting your time.”

Life can be filled with “time wasters.”

However, leading is never a waste of time when we lead someone to Christ, or when we lead them to a greater life of faithfulness.

The number of events working to attack the use of our time will never end. The choice is ours in how we deal with those events when they occur.

Always remember that leadership is never a waste of time for the one we lead.