Tag: Environment


We often fail to recognize that most of what we see in life is biased by who we are: how we were raised, the environment, culture, and hundreds of other areas, rather than reality.

Interestingly enough, how we see things becomes reality to us. Because this is true, we become entrenched in our beliefs to the point of dogma.

No one is exempt, but we need to understand the importance of patience and love when attempting to help others grow.

Leadership requires us to have empathy, the ability to understand and enter another person’s feelings. The more we do so, the greater our influence.

A Leadership Environment

The influence of our environment is interesting and challenging. On one hand, the work environment we choose can provide encouragement and opportunities for stepping up to greater success.

On the other hand, our choice can shackle growth. Instead of spreading our wings and soaring to new heights of development, we are hindered from moving into areas that promote progress.

W. Clement Stone said, “You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success – or are they holding you back?”

Choose wisely.